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Training & Education

We know that the better the training, the better the outcomes in your shop and in your finished product. That is why we are pleased to offer several training opportunities to fit your unique time, location, and budgetary needs. Learn more about the different training opportunities available through the GranQuartz CNC program and our trusted partners at ZOLLER.

Training Offering

Certification Classes - Learn and Get Certified at ZOLLER HQ

Get the most out of your investment through ZOLLER Training Days, a distraction-free, on-location learning experience designed to empower your team and increase shop productivity. Our experienced GranQuartz Technical Team leads this two-day, hands-on training program, which takes place at the ZOLLER North American Headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The agenda is crafted to cover key topics, including Basic Utility Tools 101, an in-depth exploration of the tool library, understanding settings for building a basic set, and comprehensive ZOLLER maintenance.

Attendees undergo a mastery test and receive a certificate, officially certifying them as operators and trainers of the ZOLLER >>smile<< system. Beyond the curriculum, the training incorporates valuable one-to-one coaching and peer-to-peer networking opportunities, fostering a community of expertise.

The ZOLLER Certification training is tailored for shops with those new to the ZOLLER >>smile<<. This resource also offers a valuable opportunity for managers and owners to better understand the ZOLLER system, equipping them with the knowledge to train other operators effectively.

While mirroring the content of our onsite training, ZOLLER Certification provides unique advantages. Taking trainees out of their daily production environment ensures their full attention and eliminates distractions, allowing for a more thorough and focused learning experience. The program also facilitates connections with peers from other shops, enabling discussions on best practices, challenges, and networking for ongoing support.

New Training Days Certification Classes are added regularly, check back soon for new dates!

GranQuartz/ZOLLER Stone Industry Training Days!
GranQuartz/ZOLLER Stone Industry Training Days!


Equip your team with the hands-on knowledge and first-hand experience they need through on-site training at your shop using the tooling and machinery they will work with every day. This training option is great for:

  • Onboarding new hires
  • Training multiple operators
  • Shops that have recently expanded and have new equipment
  • Owners and operators who want to enhance, refine, or standardize shop operations

During an on-site training, a knowledgeable GranQuartz CNC technician can:

  • Teach your team how to operate machinery
  • Help develop and standardize operating procedures and processes
  • Instruct on tool maintenance
  • Help operating managers develop training materials
  • Collaborate with your team to develop shop processes to boost efficiency and return-on-investment

The on-site shop training drives value for your shop and ensures that all team members can access a standardized, accurate, and focused learning experience. On-site sessions happen “right at home” and are designed to be convenient and cost-effective solution for you and your team. These trainings also cause minimal disruption to shop operations and can easily assimilate into daily revenue-generating activities.

Rates and fees may apply.

On-Demand Training - MY ZOLLER Knowledge Hub

The MY ZOLLER Knowledge Hub is your team’s virtual destination for ZOLLER’s in-depth learning resources. This self-guided hub contains training materials, videos, and user guides to help your team expand their knowledge about your shop’s ZOLLER machine. Users can also access technical documents, FAQs, maintenance information and much more to help troubleshoot and better identify potential areas of advanced support. All MY ZOLLER materials are available to your team on-demand, 24/7 – so team members can learn on their time, at their own pace.

You can also use MY ZOLLER to contact the ZOLLER support team for support questions beyond the content in the MY ZOLLER Knowledge Hub. Once logged into MY ZOLLER, use the designated form to submit a formal support request to the ZOLLER technical team. Additional fees may apply.

Learn from our skilled CNC technicians right in your shop with on-site training.

Fill out the short form to request an on-site training session today.

Talk to a Tech

CNC Tooling FAQs

Why do my finger bits keep “breaking”?
  • Is the body of the tool shearing off near the collar?
    Double-check the height of the Z-Axis, and make sure the material is centered with the water holes in the body of the tool.
  • Is the tool body showing signs of significant burning and/or apple coring?
    Measure the amount of water flowing from the machine. Ensure at least 15 GPM is being supplied to the tool.
  • Are the RPM and feed rate settings correct for your material?
    Double-check the RPM and feed rate settings relative to the material that is being processed. The tool could be running through the material too fast or too slow or the RPM may be too high, causing the tool to glaze, become dull, and break.
  • Is the diamond bond of the tool a good match for the material?
    See if the diamond bond of the tool is the right fit for the job. The tool may be mismatched for the application causing it to glaze and break under load.
Why am I seeing lines on my polished edges?

If you're noticing lines on your polished edges, it might be time to give your profile tools some TLC.

Dress your tools every 500-700 linear feet using high-quality dressing sticks. Check out our recommendations here.

Even properly dressed tools need periodic reshaping. Use a high-quality EDM reshaping service such as ADI USA, for every 8,000 - 18,000 linear feet of production. If you'd like to maximize tool life by optimizing your reshaping cycles, check out our ZOLLER measuring equipment. (Link)

Tackling Tough Profiles
Profiles with big, flat areas (such as T and ZR) can be challenging when it comes to eliminating visible polish lines. We suggest a hybrid bond profile wheel such as the MFP5 to get the job done. The MFP5's unique hybrid bond bridges the gap between metal and resin bond tools, smoothing the transition and erasing visible polish lines. (Link)

Why do materials keep shifting on my vacuum pods?

Regularly inspect and clean suction cups to prevent debris accumulation, which can compromise the seal.

Seal Maintenance
Store vacuum pods on their sides during periods of non-use to minimize wear on seals. Promptly replace damaged or worn seals to ensure optimal performance. We recommend replacing seals every 6-8 months. Blick Top Seals and Blick Bottom Seals

Tool Feed Rate Calibration
Assess the feed rate of the tool relative to the material being processed. Excess speed may result in material displacement. Adjust the feed rate to align with the requirements for the material.

Leak Detection
Conduct a thorough examination for leaks in individual pods. A single pod with a leak can compromise the seal integrity for all components. Identify and rectify any leaks promptly.

Cold Weather Precautions
In colder climates, be on the lookout for water accumulation in the lines, as well as the risk of freezing. Ensure proper insulation and drainage to prevent downtime caused by temperature variations.

How can I efficiently remove tools that are stuck on the tool holder?

Apply Consistent Pressure
When working with stuck tools, the key is to apply consistently even pressure across the tool's face, while holding the tool holder stationary.

The AdVise Press Stand
The Advise press stand is an excellent option for safety and easily removing stuck tools. The unit locks the tool holder securely into place and applies powerful pressure, evenly against the tool’s face. Explore the Advise (here).

Employ High-Quality Marine Grade Grease
Apply a light layer of high-quality marine-grade grease to the bore of the tools before installation on the tool holder. This protective layer serves to prevent corrosion and oxidation, while simultaneously acting as a lubricant for smoother removal in the future. Explore the recommended marine-grade grease (here).

How can I interpret tool descriptions for profile wheels?

Properly reading our tool descriptions, like the T30-8 for example, is essential to understanding how to select the right profile wheels for your business.

Shape Design Designation
The first letter(s) such as “T” or “ZR”, indicate the profile shape.

Material Thickness
The next two numbers, such as “30”, represent the material thickness in millimeters. For example, the T30-8 would be 30mm or 3cm.

Additional Variation (If applicable)
If there is a dash followed by a number, such as “-8,”, this is a code that signifies a specific variation from the standard profile. In the case of “T30-8”, the”-8” indicates a top and bottom radius of 3mm.

Can you shed some light on the different tool series?

Our ADI profile wheels are available in various tooling series, classified by diameter.

120 Series (Topline)
120 Series profile wheels or Topline wheels have a diameter of around 4.75 inches, making them the largest of the profile wheel series. 120 Series wheels are the longest-lasting profile wheels.

80 Series (Fastline)
The next size down is the 80 series with a rough diameter of 3 inches. Also known as the Fastline, this series is the perfect blend of performance and value.

40 Series (Twistline)
The 40 series, also known as the Twistline, has a diameter of roughly 1.5 inches. These wheels are ideal for tighter radius applications such as sink cutouts.

20 Series (Microline)
For even tighter radius applications such as zero radius sinks, the 20 series or Microline offer precision in a small package, 20 series wheels have a compact diameter of roughly .75 inches.

How do I maximize the lifespan of my profile wheels?

Opt for Precut Wheels
Consider using precut wheels like the ADI Ninja. The Ninja configures into any profile shape and lessens the workload on valuable profile tools by quickly removing the bulk of the material required to rough in the desired shape.

Invest in ZOLLER Presetting
Maximize your tooling investment by adding a ZOLLER presetting and precision tool measuring machine to your arsenal. This investment can greatly increase tool life by improving the accuracy of tool setup and allowing users to closely monitor tool wear, as well as optimizing tool EDM service intervals.

How can I streamline the process of eliminating sharp edges on open profiles such as FZ or ZR?

We offer a wide variety of open profiles specifically engineered to round over or bevel the sharp edges that are typically left behind with open profiles. Our Hands-Free profiles automate the job of removing sharp edges on open profiles.

Why are my profile wheels showing signs of burning or uneven wear?

Insufficient water
Keeping a close eye on your water supply is essential in preventing burning and ensuring maximum tool life.

Improper RPM and Feed rates
Incorrect operating parameters put unnecessary stress on profile wheels, causing them to burn and wear unevenly.

How do I dress my profile wheels?

Properly dressing your CNC profile wheels will help you to maintain optimal performance.

Frequency of Dressing
We recommend dressing your CNC metal profile wheels every 500-700 linear feet.

Spindle RPM Settings
Set the spindle RPM between 1000-2000 for effective dressing.

Dressing Process for Metal Profile Wheels

  • 1: Move the dressing sick appropriately for the position in a constant, sweeping motion, avoiding prolonged rests in one place.
  • 2: Continue the dressing process until the tool surface appears smooth and free of lines

Dressing Process for Polish Wheels

  • 1: For CNC polish wheels, run the spindle between 1000 and 1500 RPM
  • 2: Apply 200-400 grit emery cloth in a constant sweeping motion to achieve optimal results

Sequential Dressing Sticks
Dress profile wheels in a specific sequence using the following dressing sticks:

  • Position #1: 80 grit
  • Position #2: 150 grit
  • Position #3: 250 grit
  • Positions #4 and #5: 320 grit Explore our dressing sticks (here). Advant Edge Dressing Solution

The Advant Edge, an off-machine dressing solution, enhances productivity, and safety, and assists in ensuring more consistent dressing quality.

Learn more about the Advant Edge (here).

What is the tool EDM process used by ADI USA?

EDM or Electric discharge machining is the process of using electrical discharge to erode extremely hard materials with high precision. ADI USA uses state-of-the-art EDM equipment and the latest ZOLLER measuring technology. ADI USA brings tools back to their original factory specifications while minimizing waste. ADI wheels can be re-shaped 2-3 times over their lifetime.

What is A Super Z Wheel?

A Super Z Wheel is a Position #1 Z profile wheel or a special purpose Z profile wheel that is being used in a high-speed trimming application. Many shops will allow excess material to remain on workpieces during dimensional cutting. This excess material is meant to compensate for inconsistencies experienced during rough dimensioning. A Super CNC Wheel is used as a high-speed trimming tool to bring project dimensions to accurate specifications before profiling.

Let us help you find the right profile wheel every time.

Use the profile wheel finder to select the correct tool for each application.

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